Privacy Policy

Hey there!
At Enchant X, we totally get how important your privacy is. So, let's dive into what data we collect and how we use it, all in a chill and transparent way.
πŸ” What We Collect: When you shop or browse on our website, we might collect some basic info like your name, contact details, and shipping address. No secrets there!
πŸ” How We Use It: Your deets help us process your orders and get your goodies to you ASAP. We might also send you updates and sweet deals, but don't worry, you can always say no thanks.
πŸ‘₯ Sharing is Caring, but Not Always: We won't go sharing your info with random peeps. Sometimes we might need to share with our partners, like payment processors or shipping companies, but they're also committed to keeping your info safe.
πŸͺπŸ–ΌοΈ Cookies & Pixels: We use cookies and pixels to make your browsing experience smooth like butter. It helps us understand what you dig so we can make things even better.
πŸ›‘οΈ Your Rights: You have the power! You can access, correct, or delete your info whenever you want. Just shoot us a message and we'll sort you out.
πŸ§’ For the Kiddos: Sorry, but our site is only for the big kids. If you're under 19, you'll need to ask a grown-up to shop here.
πŸ”„ Changes & Updates: Our privacy policy might get a makeover now and then, so check back to stay in the loop.
πŸ”’ So there you have it, the lowdown on how we handle your data. Your trust means the world to us, and we're all about keeping things cool and breezy. If you have any questions, just hit us up. Cheers to privacy, Enchant X style!
So there you have it, the lowdown on how we handle your data. Your trust means the world to us, and we're all about keeping things cool and breezy. If you have any questions, just hit us up. Cheers to privacy, Enchant X style!
Stay fabulous,
The Enchant X Team